Book Review: Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph


I am so excited about this new book by Courtney Joseph (visit her website HERE) that I had to share it with all of you, even though I haven’t finished reading it yet! I happened upon this book on the day that it was released through a post on Joy Forney’s (from the blog Grace Full Mama) Instagram account. Needing some extra encouragement this week I decided to check it out and I am so glad that I did. I’m only part of the way through but it is rich with wisdom for wives and mothers, and full of practical tips on how to keep Christ at the center of your life in the midst of the chaos of family, marriage and everything else we are involved in. Here are some favorite quotes so far:

Living well in this modern world is a challenge. Increased responsibilities, kids’ activities and the new front porch of social media have changed the landscape of our lives. Women have been told for far too long that being on the go and accumulating more things will make our lives full. As a result we grasp for the wrong things in life and come up empty.

My walk with God often feels more like a hike than a leisurely stroll…along the way I have encountered both valleys of despair and mountaintop experiences.

We must slow down and create calm moments. It is in our unhurried moments that we can see and hear clearly… It is in our slow moments when we best connect with our Creator.

I charge my cellphone daily because without power it goes dead. Similarly, we need to plug into God’s power daily. We need to be recharged by His words and His strength daily. Reading God’s word every day will change the entire course of our lives.

God has communicated with us in writing. His Word, the Bible…So writing our pleas, our praise, our prayers – this is not a one-sided communication. God will hear, and He will answer…

So far I am still in Part 1 of the book which is “Your Walk With The King”, but I am so looking forward to moving on to “Your Marriage”, “Your Parenting” and “Your Homemaking”. This book has offered me so much advice on practical ways to focus on what’s important while honoring the Lord in my daily life – it has been extremely helpful for a sometimes overwhelmed new mama! Unlike other books that I’ve read in the past, this one has a beautiful undertone of grace for a busy wife/mother that does not make you feel guilty about only having 5 minutes to sit down and meditate on the word or about leaving the pile of laundry unfolded for a day or two. The way she writes is honest and real, and very easy to relate to. I will try to remember to write a full review when I’ve read the book in it’s entirety, but I wanted to let you know about it in the meantime so that you can start reading it asap!

To purchase this book on Amazon (and you won’t regret it, best $10 I’ve spent in a while!) click HERE.

Book Review: Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph